Almost everyone wants to be happy is immutable the axiom of our life. However, a state of happiness that is as unique and unforgettable, that to create a similar situation in the realities of our days is almost impossible, it possible to experience moments of happiness. These times attract in our life is very difficult, to succeed is possible only by using the talismans and amulets of happiness.
The history of the emergence of talismans and amulets of happiness
Determine the exact time when there was the first talismans and amulets of happiness, it may not. These things have been used for centuries, undergoing changes under the influence of time and different cultures.
The theory predicts that these amulets came to us from the culture of the ancient druids. As it is looked like the amulets, it is not known, but already at that time, all the nuances of their creation have been kept in strict confidentiality and are only available to a limited number of people
The next step in the development of the mascots on happiness has become the flourishing of the roman empire, which is confirmed found artifacts from the time. At this time, the amulets have undergone significant changes in its appearance, the chief of which became the application on them priest runes and Latin characters, numbers and letters.
These mascots have been very common at the time, that the trust evidenced by the fact that they are not important to the form and content that fill only the owner. It is important, therefore, for good and soaked approach to the creation and ownership of characters and amulets.
Features magical amulets and talismans
The talismans and amulets of happiness have a certain number of specific traits, it is necessary to know to each owner of magic, a symbol.
All the symbols of happiness talismans and amulets have strictly specified the expiry date: some of them have a unique character, and the achievement of the objective lose their properties. Others may last you a year or more, and will require reactivation. Always pay attention to these moments and choose the mascot, respectively, of your needs.
Not worth it to sail on declared mascots: the human happiness concept is so individual and volatile that just personally, you know that you will need to put it into practice. This is why, for the enlargement of this amulet lucky, direct you on the sensations and the emotions.
In the creation of mascots, bringing chance, the appearance of the talisman ignored, this question is almost left entirely to your discretion and desire. Much more important is to correctly load the amulet and fill it with the necessary energy.
Before the ceremony, you should carefully review the information displayed on your amulet of characters: if you are not sure of their value or of the image, choose another way to create a mascot on the chance.
The slightest error in these things can have effects mainly for you. By following all the procedures advice, you will be able to create the most effective of the mascot on the happiness individually for himself.

The basic characters and talismans lucky charms
The question of happiness is not unique, because each person to their understanding and happiness. A need of a family for a feeling of fullness of life, to another, a significant amount of money on your credit card, the third victory in the competition.
If you look into the origins of this question, one thing is obvious: the person needs to get something out of his life, to fill the soul with joy and happiness.
It turns out that everything is not so difficult in fact! In fact, you can create talismans and amulets of happiness that drive failed and opened a wide path to achieve his plan!
Before you create an amulet, it is necessary to know which characters are which attract it is the happiness in our lives:
- The ring, symbol of love and friendship.
- The fish abundance.
- The bee — success in business.
- Acorn — a symbol of youth and love.
- The arrow or the ball of glass to protect from the evil eye.
- Quatrefoil clover — happy, wealth and love.
- Iron horse, the universal symbol of happiness and luck, protection, and talisman against evil.
One of these objects and characters can become an amulet or a talisman of happiness. The essential to believe in its efficacy, and to give a particular meaning, an object or a bevel of the brand.
The talismans and amulets of happiness — the rules of manufacturing
A talisman or an amulet lucky you can buy in a specialized store, and manufacture with his own hands.
Certainly the greatest strength of to possess exactly the talisman or an amulet, which you have made with his own hands. In fact, it is already initially will be configured for you and solely responsible for your energy.
However, this possibility is not always: some of the talismans and amulets of happiness, you need to create from a material which, in the manual process almost not possible: for example, a stone or gold. Or you are not confident in your skills to good selection of symbols and signs.
In all these cases, easier and safer to consult a specialist, who will manufacture for you specially desired a amulet. The truth about it later will need to submit the procedure of cleaning and activation so that the trinket could become the amulet.

List of the main requirements and rules of
If you hold a firm intention to make a talisman of happiness with your hands, then you must follow following requirements and rules:
- First of all, you should decide the material, from which you will be able to make the desired magical object. If you have never worked in this direction, choose the things that you can easily handle: wood, paper, fabric, or wire. Above all, remember: the material must be exclusively of natural origin, and the approach is, by nature, chose the lucky charm.
- If you need to choose a symbol, which will bring you luck and will be represented on talisman, carefully read the information on the value and possibilities of combining with other symbols. You can also ask for the opinion of people who know. The only way you'll be sure to avoid mistakes and unpleasant consequences for himself.
- If you need to reach the absolute happiness in life is the need to establish privacy, then pay attention to the talisman of Venus: represented the symbol of this planet will help you find love or meet a new condition in order to achieve happiness in life.
- If to reach a full happiness, you lack a little bit of luck, stop your choice on the image on the pentacle. This ancient symbol will bring you success in all undertakings, and therefore of happiness.
The more often in the rites of the creation of the mascot of happiness takes place on a backdrop of a crescent moon, for his strength, was able to do in your life calm and harmony. The day of the week is elected to the function of this type it is the symbol that you have given preference: for example, if he became an old pentacle, select environment. And Thursday, the power of Venus will be more pronounced.
An amulet lucky charm of his hands in a carton
You can even create your own amulets of happiness, which will change your destiny in the right direction.
But just to warn you that you must first get rid of the negative influences that might be focused on you enemies.
To do this, you must purify your aura of any corruption, the evil eye or curse. And only after these steps, you can begin to create talismans and amulets of happiness.
Thus, by choosing the character of your choice, draw on a piece of cardboard box full of his desires and faith in their implementation. The size of the sheet should be such that you might have to carry.
After a year, the amulet loses its force, so it will burn with gratitude, and allay ash into the air. The time of the creation of the amulet must be in a increasing phase of the moon or of the full moon.
Amulets and talismans happiness of objects
This may be a new thing, acquired by you or provided close to the man. It may be old, having a certain value. But it must first be cleaned of any information under the water or above a lit candle.
Then, you take an object in your hands, close your eyes and create in your mind the images. When the images will be sharp and clear, strength of will, pass their subject. Then, imagine how they fill the subject and remain in it. In addition, we can give the verbal order images attract something in life, or hunt you vicious energy.
When you feel the inside of himself, that the subject is saturated with images, and they correspond to verbal program, open your eyes. The amulet is ready. Keep in a location that is inaccessible or always carry with you, and after a year ritual it will be necessary to repeat the same subject.
The same amulet, as all talismans, you can create a close to the man.

Plot on the nodule of happiness
Make a knot on the happiness and talk can any person, not even quite ignorant in the art of magic, and the result will, nonetheless, be very effective. To create it you will need the following items:
- of the wax candle;
- a small bowl;
- the pure water;
- a square piece of the new material.
The rite need to go later in the evening and closer to midnight.
The ritual itself necessarily takes place only in solitude.
You need to install a spark plug in a glass and the normal light of a match to the new box.
While it is turned on, looked into the flames and think about these things that make you happy.
All negative thoughts must be banished from your head.
Once you are mentally focus, begin to read the words of the conspiracy on happiness:
"Beyond the sea-ocean, the island of Buyan, the island is a mountain in the mountain of the nora. And in a hole of seven demons sitting that send people fail. Until the young eyes closed, I its tail to the fire equidem. Until the fire he and his children with me, not see me in hell, brothers!".
Once you have read these three words, let the candle burn to the end of yourself. When the torch comes to the water and off, you have to collect the remains of wax in a piece of cloth and tie its knot.
By doing this, you need to choose only one wax, that you liked the most, the rest with water should be to get out of the house and bury it under any tree. This nodule on the happiness must be worn at all times with you, for the luck and good fortune accompany you constantly, making life easier and carefree.
How to make the mascot of the chance
You must firmly believe in the effectiveness of the examination of the rite and do not doubt, that an amulet good luck charm really bring to you. If you spend similar to a ritual of curiosity, then it is better at once to abandon it, the result can be disappointing.
Ready to the amulet should certainly bring on oneself: you can use it as a pendant, or charm, or just put it in the bag. It is always accompanied. This amulet you need to regularly take in the hand, and addressing him with words of gratitude or the request.